Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How Family Members Cope

In the last few weeks, my husband has been talking more and more about Jennavive's birth. Even though 2 1/2 years have passed, it's like it's suddenly become burdensome to him. The first year, he refused to talk about it unless it was with someone extremely close to him. The second year, he became a bit more open, but still didn't really discuss it. Now, it seems like every week he's coming home and telling me about discussing it with a co-worker, a casual friend, or a distant relative.

I know that I've been struggling a bit lately simply because I'm getting asked A LOT about future children. (What is it with the two to three year spacing?) Anyhow, I'm sure my husband is getting some of those same questions, but it bothers me that it's bothering him so much now.

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