Friday, August 28, 2009

I had a dream

I had a PTSD dream last night. It was odd for several reasons:

1. I was a man.
2. I had conquered PTSD.

In the dream, I was a motivational speaker. I went around speaking to other people about what it’s like to live with PTSD, how to work with PTSD, how to be more than you were because of PTSD. It was amazing to see myself as healed, as more, as open as I was in the dream. I viewed PTSD as a mountain to be climbed, a wall to be scaled, a battle to be fought, or a war to be won. It was a part of me, and yet not THE defining part of me. It was simply a fact like having brown hair. In the dream, I considered myself stronger, wiser, and more powerful than I was before the trauma.

I hope I’m on my way to that being my reality.

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